Careers in the IT industry Archives - Zocada About the world of IT for beginners and advanced professionals Tue, 02 May 2023 12:38:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Careers in the IT industry Archives - Zocada 32 32 A Structured Approach to Quality Control in Video Production for High-Quality Videos Wed, 26 Apr 2023 14:42:24 +0000 Video production is a highly creative and technical expertise, that demands a thorough comprehension of client needs in order to attain excellence and uniformity. Adhering

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Video production is a highly creative and technical expertise, that demands a thorough comprehension of client needs in order to attain excellence and uniformity. Adhering to a well-organized framework of internal processes and verifications is crucial for streamlining the production process, effectively reducing the need for unwarranted revisions.

Understanding Client Requirements

To ensure excellence and uniformity in video production, the initial step involves thoroughly grasping the client’s needs. Start by developing a comprehensive brief that outlines the goals and key messages to be conveyed, as well as the anticipated applications of the final product. Collaborate with the client to identify central themes for inclusion in the video, using these as a foundation for a well-planned shot list.

Comprehensive Briefing Document

At times, only a brief event description and fundamental guidelines are provided initially. In such instances, it’s essential to expand on the client’s ideas by offering expert advice and insights from past experiences. During this planning phase, reviewing video content previously created by other client vendors is crucial to ensure that the final videos align with the organization’s style and satisfy audience expectations.

Specifying Technical Aspects

Once a brief has been defined, the technical aspects should be signed off by the customer by use of a service agreement, specifying video length, formats, resolutions, and frame rates. Furthermore, this document must detail the provision of licensing additional copyrighted content, including music and stock imagery, and the scope of the licenses for the intended publishing.

Quality Control During Filming

During the production day, it’s crucial to reconfirm that the client has secured all required permissions for filming both participants and the venue. Utilize a checklist to ensure quality control during setup, which includes verifying color balance, detecting interference, and monitoring audio levels.

For event filming, it’s common to encounter unscheduled elements, making it essential to accommodate a non-linear shot sequence. Consistently referring to the shot list throughout the day helps guarantee comprehensive event coverage. Periodically reviewing captured footage ensures that quality standards are consistently maintained.

Backing Up Files and Reviewing

Prior to initiating post-production, establish secure online and offline backups of the original files as a precautionary measure. Thoroughly review all footage and discuss the findings with the client during the debrief. To facilitate quick and efficient feedback from multiple team members in a secure setting, utilize review tools like those offered by By adding time-coded notes directly linked to specific frames, pro tools streamline the process, eliminating the need for extensive descriptions of video alterations.

Checking Compatibility and Appearance

During the concluding stages of color grading and mastering, it is vital to perform multi-device testing to assess compatibility and presentation. Considering the significant consumption of video content on mobile devices, this evaluation is crucial, particularly with regard to audio compression and adaptation to diverse screen sizes and technologies.

Tips for Flawless Quality Control

Upon project completion, encourage all participants to share feedback on both the final output and the quality control procedures, enabling continuous improvement. It’s important to recognize that technical and editorial errors can occur in any environment, particularly in creative fields such as video production. Implementing a robust quality control system and appointing a dedicated Quality Control Officer can help uphold high standards and minimize errors that could potentially impact your company’s professional reputation.

Being Fully Focused and Conducting Personal Checks

The key to spotting all potential errors during quality control is to make sure that you are fully focused on the task at hand. Ensure that those around you are aware of what you are doing, and clear time in your schedule to watch the full video. Noise-canceling headphones are a great way to block out any noise in your work environment, allowing you to give all your attention to the video, whilst the world goes on around you.

Using spelling and grammar tools can help flag up any potential errors. Checking that the name straps on the video correctly match both the spelling of a contributor’s name and their job title is also essential. If you are unsure of the spelling, you can visit a site like LinkedIn or check the creative brief your contributor should have filled in.

Raising Potential Problems in a Respectful Way

Many errors in video production occur because the person doing the check either does not want to offend the editor by raising what they think is a potential problem or does not have enough confidence in themselves to bring up a mistake. Both of these attitudes can be dangerous as there is no harm in raising a potential problem, and a reasonable editor will welcome any feedback if phrased in a respectful way.

Noting any problems as you go through them and only raising them once the whole piece has been watched will allow you to make a solid judgment as to whether there is a problem. The quality control officer needs to stand up and take responsibility. If they don’t mention a mistake, which later is raised by someone else, their own ability will be called into question.

Bringing a Fresh Pair of Eyes to Quality Control

Editors can spend hours looking through a video and could easily miss a mistake. However, if you check it over, you’ll bring a fresh pair of eyes and are likely (especially on the first watch-through) to spot things that they haven’t. Key things to look out for are big color shifts in the image, out-of-focus shots, or anything that just doesn’t seem to work. If you can’t follow the structure of the video, it is likely that others won’t either.

You should always watch the video a couple of times to double-check that any changes that have been made do not affect its overall flow and to ensure that any mistakes made have been corrected.

Using a System to Prevent Confusion and Missed Steps

When checking on multiple videos, which are all at various stages, it is very easy to get confused about what you’ve already checked. The best way to prevent this is to make sure you have a system in place. Your system could be as simple as a checklist or even a flowchart that outlines what needs to be looked at, that way you’ll always know where you are in the process.

To make it even easier, you could even use your initials to mark where you’re up to, to reassure yourself that the video has been proven to be the highest standard it can be, and that no steps have been missed. 

In conclusion, achieving a high level of quality and consistency in video production requires a structured approach that follows internal procedures and checks. It is essential to gain a detailed understanding of the client’s requirements and work closely with them to ensure that their ideas are incorporated into the final product.


Quality control is a crucial part of the video production process and requires a sharp focus on the task at hand. Using noise-canceling headphones and spelling and grammar tools can help eliminate distractions and errors. Checking for potential problems and raising them in a respectful way is important to ensure that mistakes are caught early on and that the final product meets the required quality standards. Having a system in place to keep track of the quality control process can help prevent confusion and ensure that no steps are missed. By following these steps, video production teams can consistently produce high-quality work that meets the client’s requirements and exceeds their expectations.

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The Comprehensive Guide to Becoming a Successful Video Editor Fri, 07 Apr 2023 05:30:46 +0000 Video editing has become an increasingly important skill in today’s digital landscape. From social media platforms to professional productions, video editors are in high demand.

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Video editing has become an increasingly important skill in today’s digital landscape. From social media platforms to professional productions, video editors are in high demand. In this comprehensive guide, developed in association with, we will explore the earning potential of video editors, the steps to become one, and the essential skills needed for success. Additionally, we will discuss the significance of YouTube video editing, how to select the right editing tools, and the pros and cons of popular video editing software.

Income Potential

Video editors can earn a wide range of salaries depending on factors such as experience, geographical location, and the type of projects they work on. On average, according to Indeed, a video editor in the United States earns around $45,000 per year. However, experienced video editors can earn as much as $120,000 per year, while beginners may earn around $40,000. Freelance video editors can earn up to $55,000 per year, depending on their workload and client base.

Step-by-Step Guide to Your Video Editing Career

Step 1: Learn the basics of video editing software

Familiarize yourself with popular video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, and Familiarize yourself with popular video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, and DaVinci Resolver. Many online tutorials and courses can help you learn the basics of these programs.

Step 2: Gain experience by working on personal projects or assisting more experienced editors

Practice your editing skills by creating your own videos or offering your services to friends, family, or local businesses. You can also volunteer to assist more experienced video editors to learn from their expertise.

Step 3: Build a portfolio of your work to showcase your skills to potential employers

A strong portfolio is crucial for demonstrating your capabilities to potential clients or employers. Compile your best work and create a website or digital portfolio to showcase your editing skills.

Step 4: Get a formal education

While not always necessary, obtaining a degree in film production, broadcasting, or a related field can provide you with a solid foundation in video editing techniques and help you stand out in the job market.

Step 5: Network and look for entry-level or freelance opportunities

Networking is essential for finding job opportunities in the video editing industry. Attend industry events, join online forums, and connect with other video editors to discover potential job openings.

Step 6: Improve your skills and stay current with industry trends and technological advancements

Continuously hone your skills and keep up to date with the latest trends and tools in the video editing industry. This will ensure that you remain competitive and in-demand as a video editor.

YouTube video editing

YouTube has become a dominant platform for content creators and businesses alike. High-quality video editing can significantly impact the success of a YouTube channel by enhancing storytelling, creating engaging visuals, and improving overall video quality. Therefore, skilled video editors are in high demand for producing captivating YouTube content.

Tips for becoming a successful YouTube video editor

  1. Understand the YouTube platform and its algorithms to optimize your videos for better visibility and engagement;
  2. Develop a distinctive editing style that complements the content creator’s brand and appeals to their target audience;
  3. Stay current with popular trends and adapt your editing techniques accordingly;
  4. Master the art of storytelling through video editing to keep viewers engaged;
  5. Learn how to efficiently edit and deliver content in a timely manner, as consistency is vital for successful YouTube channels.

Hard skills and soft skills

  1. Proficiency in video editing software, such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, and DaVinci Resolve;
  2. A strong understanding of storytelling techniques and narrative structure;
  3. Excellent attention to detail and the ability to identify and correct errors;
  4. The ability to work under tight deadlines and manage multiple projects simultaneously;
  5. Strong communication skills to effectively collaborate with clients, directors, and other team members;
  6. Creativity and the ability to think outside the box to develop innovative editing solutions.

A thorough understanding of video formats, codecs, and export settings to ensure optimal video quality.

Communication skills

  • Actively listen and ask questions to gain a clear understanding of your client’s or team’s vision and expectations;
  • Develop strong written and verbal communication skills to articulate your ideas and edits clearly;
  • Regularly update clients or team members on the progress of projects and discuss any challenges or changes;
  • Be open to feedback and demonstrate a willingness to adjust your work based on constructive criticism.


  • Facilitates a better understanding of the project’s goals and objectives, resulting in more effective video edits;
  • Encourages collaboration and fosters a positive working environment where ideas can be exchanged freely;
  • Reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings or miscommunications, saving time and effort;
  • Allows for the pooling of expertise and resources, resulting in higher-quality video content.

A good memory

A good memory is crucial for video editors as it enables them to remember the details of various projects, recall specific editing techniques, and efficiently navigate through complex video editing software.


While formal qualifications are not always necessary, they can provide a solid foundation in video editing techniques and help you stand out in the job market. Degrees in film production, broadcasting, or a related field can be beneficial. Additionally, obtaining certifications in major video editing software like Avid, Filmora, and Adobe apps demonstrates your expertise and commitment to the field.


Many software developers offer certification programs to validate your skills in their applications. For example, Adobe, Avid, and Filmora provide various certification levels and courses. To obtain these certifications, you must pass exams that test your knowledge and proficiency in the software.

Right editing tools

Choose video editing software based on your skill level, the type of projects you will be working on, and your budget. Research different software options, read reviews, and experiment with trials before committing to a particular program.

Best video editing software

Beginners may prefer user-friendly software like Adobe Premiere Pro CC, while professionals may opt for advanced tools like Final Cut Pro.

For beginners: Adobe Premiere Pro CC


  • Beginner-friendly;
  • Advanced features;
  • System optimization;
  • Pre-rendering graphics;
  • Low system requirements;
  • Cheap license.


  • Requires experience with other Adobe products for efficient use;
  • Not suitable for pro film editing.

For pros: Final Cut Pro


  • Advanced tools;
  • Huge plugins library;
  • Pre- and post-rendering;
  • HDR;
  • Widely used by filmmakers;
  • Optimized rendering speed;
  • Color correction;
  • 360 degrees VR.


  • Expensive license;
  • Requires a powerful workstation to run;
  • Works only on Mac.


Becoming a successful video editor requires dedication, practice, and a willingness to learn. By following the steps outlined in this guide and continuously honing your skills, you can thrive in the ever-evolving world of video editing. Stay up to date with industry trends, master essential editing software, and embrace opportunities for growth and networking to ensure a successful career in video editing.

Do video editors make good money?

Yes, video editors can earn a competitive salary, often higher than the average office job. The amount they make depends on factors such as project budgets, experience, skills, and the type of services they provide. Full-time video editors can expect to earn at least $40,000 per year, with more experienced editors earning even higher salaries.

Is video editing a good career choice?

Video editing is an excellent career choice for individuals interested in working with digital media and visual storytelling. With the global shift towards digitalization, video editing is a skill in high demand, providing numerous opportunities for growth and specialization. Video editors can work in various industries, including film, television, advertising, and social media, allowing for diverse and fulfilling career paths.

Are video editors in demand?

As the world increasingly embraces digital media, video editors have become more in demand. Companies across various industries are turning to video content to increase their reach and improve work efficiency, driving the need for skilled video editors. This trend is expected to continue, making now an ideal time for those interested in video editing to start their careers.

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Website Navigation Design Patterns: The 2023 Guide Tue, 27 Dec 2022 14:18:04 +0000 Design is one of those things that are very difficult to grasp. You can’t take one solution, copy and paste it to a similar project

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Design is one of those things that are very difficult to grasp. You can’t take one solution, copy and paste it to a similar project and expect it to work the same way. The designer should always be aware of the core elements, why they are where they are, and how to make them work for each particular case. Today, we will talk about one of the key elements of website design.

Introduction to website navigation design patterns

We live in a world, where the Internet has taken over businesses in seemingly any industry. According to Web Tribunal, over 2 billion websites are on the internet, with 400 million active. Kommando Tech claims that nearly 20 million of them are E-Commerce stores, what impressive competition just in one industry! Other industries like Manufacturing, Healthcare, Tourism, and Food Delivery have different amounts of websites, but the overall picture is similar.

Kickstand claims that an average user in the United States of America visits over 100 web pages per day. What can you do in order to make one of those pages to be yours? This is a complex question and there are a lot of elements involved, including SEO and Marketing efforts. However, when the user indeed ends up on your page, the website navigation design is king! We will share our expertise and experience on this topic so that you will be able to end up with a reasonable website redesign price during your reconstruction. In the following sections, we will break down the most popular types of website navigation, so you don’t have to!

“To design is much more than simply to assemble, to order, or even to edit: it is to add value and meaning, to illuminate, to simplify, to clarify, to modify, to dignify, to dramatize, to persuade, and perhaps even to amuse. To design is to transform prose into poetry.”

— Paul Rand, an American art director, and graphic designer

What is website design navigation?

Before getting into the patterns, let’s begin with the basics. Navigation design is a process of analyzing, creating, and implementing the ways users go through a website or a mobile app.

Bad navigation is one of the top reasons for users leaving a website:

For B2B clients, this is also a very significant reason to leave:

The main goal of coming up with website navigation graphic design is to offer users the least frustrating journey from point A to point B. To achieve this result, the designer must combine User Interface patterns, as well as links, labels, texts, buttons, etc.

The best website navigation design can help you to achieve:

  • Improve user experience and user understanding of your product
  • Reduce the number of customers that you can potentially lose
  • Increase sales and boost your revenue, as a result,
  • Improve the reputation of your brand and overall business credibility

The key types of navigation that are used most commonly

Now, let’s discuss the most widespread website navigation structures in greater detail, as well as website navigation best practices on when to use each of them.

Top Horizontal Bar

This one is among the top two types of menus on websites. The traditional usage of top horizontal bars is in the role of the primary navigation menu. It is usually located right above or below the header of a web page. This type of navigation is often paired up with drop-down menus, and in combination, they offer multiple levels of navigation without taking up a lot of space on the page.

Key traits

  • Text links are used, which are button-shaped or tabbed-shaped
  • Horizontal navigation is placed near the website’s logo
  • Most commonly located above the fold


The biggest drawback with this element is a certain number of links that you can actually place in a bar without the need for adding sub-navigation menus. For a website navigation menu with a limited number of options, it is not a big concern, however, if you have a complex website with a variety of categories you should consider adding additional levels of navigation that we will talk about in the next sections.

Best usage

It is perfect for displaying up to 12 navigation items. While it also works great for primary navigation for single-column website layouts.


Tabs can be styled any way you need, from realistically textured tabs to any styling you can imagine. This pattern can be used on any kind of website and are especially popular across mobile apps.

Tabs stand out among other website menu types by being intuitive. People can easily relate to tabs because they are used to their physical equivalent – tabs in notebooks.

Key traits

  • Visually resemble actual tabs like in folders or binders
  • More popular in horizontal orientation, however, you may find them in vertical position (vertically oriented tabs are called stacked tabs)


Probably, the biggest disadvantage is the fact that tabs don’t work well for navigation with a lot of links, they may look messy and awkward in a design. Additionally, tabs require more markup, image assets, and CSS.

Best usage

While tabs may fit almost any type of navigation, they work better with a limited number of links and preferably horizontally.


The name originated from the fairy tale Hansel and Gretel, where the main characters left breadcrumbs throughout their journey to find their way back home. This is a very popular navigation structure of a website, and is commonly used on millions of websites. Breadcrumbs show exactly where you are on a website, and can be considered a secondary navigation that supports the primary navigation system.

Key traits

  • Commonly looks like a horizontal list of text links with arrows pointing the direction of the hierarchy
  • Always used as a secondary navigation and never as a primary


  • Breadcrumbs don’t work well with small websites with simple structures or websites that don’t have a clear structure and sole navigation destination

Best usage

Breadcrumbs fit best for the website with clearly defined sections, as well as multiple levels of categorizations. Without that, breadcrumbs can become confusing and negatively impact user experience.

Vertical Bar or Sidebar

In this pattern, the items are arranged in a single column, one on top of another. It is commonly placed on the top-left column, preceding the main content area. You can find this type of navigation on almost any website because this is one of the most versatile patterns that can include a lot of links.

Key traits

  • Text links without icons for navigation items
  • Rare usage of tabs
  • A big number of links


Because with this menu it is possible to put many links, you can easily put too many of them and hurt the overall UX and design. It will be a good idea to limit the number of links in your vertical bar and leverage fly-out sub-navigation menus to include everything needed.

Best usage

You can use this type of navigation for any website, especially one with a big number of links.


In the last few years, search navigation become a very popular navigation method. Large E-Commerce websites with thousands of items can’t live without properly implemented search navigation functionality. This method will work best when your users know exactly what they want.

In combination with a good layout of the information, great search functionality will help your users search for items whether they know or don’t know what they want.

Key traits

  • Often located at the top of a sidebar or a header
  • Usually, search bars are repeated in the footer, a bottom part of a page


The biggest disadvantage lies on the technical side. If you go with a ready-made solution for your platform, the actual search engine may work not as well as intended. Of course, you can always contact support and the manager may fix your issues, however, it will take time. A proper search engine is a strong argument for hiring a custom software development team and building the entire website from the ground up or adding search functionality as a feature. With a custom software development provider, you will always know for sure that your back-end part is covered and everything is working just as intended.

Best usage

Remember, that this is always secondary navigation. Having a clear and intuitive path to your pages is a key to great user experience. With that being said, if your platform has hundreds of pages, it makes sense to implement search functionality with different filters that can help to find what the user is looking for.

The most popular website navigation design patterns
Top Horizontal Bar NavigationPerfect for primary navigation for single-column website layouts with up to 12 links
Vertical Bar or Sidebar NavigationGreat for designs with a huge amount of links
Tabs NavigationWork great for horizontally oriented designs with a limited amount of links
Breadcrumb NavigationBreadcrumbs fit best for the website with clearly defined sections, as well as multiple levels of categorizations
Search NavigationBest fit for websites with hundreds of pages


What is website navigation design patterns?

This is the way to place the links on a website that will help the user to navigate through it. There are multiple popular patterns that fit different roles and goals.

What are the 5 types of website navigation?

The most popular include Top Horizontal Bar, Vertical Bar or Sidebar, Tabs, Breadcrumbs, and Search. However, there are many other useful patterns that may come in handy.

What is the goal of website navigation?

The goal is to provide the most logical and intuitive journey from point A to point B for the user. The designer should use different patterns and graphical elements in order to make this journey seamless for the end user.

What makes a good navigation design?

Just like with any other design, good design is an invisible design. When your users don’t think about navigation at all and just use the website, that means that the job is done well and this part of the user experience is covered.

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Sole Proprietorship vs LLC: Which is Better for App Developers? Fri, 24 Jun 2022 07:16:31 +0000 Today, nearly anyone has a smartphone or tab and uses a variety of mobile apps on a daily basis. Educational, entertainment, banking, social media, sports

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Today, nearly anyone has a smartphone or tab and uses a variety of mobile apps on a daily basis. Educational, entertainment, banking, social media, sports and fitness apps, food, dating, and travel apps, those mobile apps come in numbers to make our lives comfortable and convenient. And there is still an area for invention. 

Are you an app developer thinking of the best legal framework to make this activity your business? We bet you consider a sole proprietorship and a limited liability company. In our overview, you’ll find some quick answers. 

Sole Proprietorship vs LLC: How They Compare

Despite the fact that the digital world is intangible and feels unreal, many people make money in this area. While creating an app is mostly about writing a code and tinkering with it to match certain criteria, it seems that app developers don’t need more than a laptop. In practice, they have a lot more to think of to push their products to the marketplace and make them work. 

You can get enrolled in a marketplace as a sole proprietor or a company. This is when most app developers face the issue of which structure is better for them. 

Obviously enough, a sole proprietorship is an enterprise with a single owner. It’s a so-called unregistered entity that needs no state filing. In fact, it emerges as soon as you start selling something and getting money for that. These entities are automatically named after their owners and are directly associated with them. You are not separate from your venture and are in charge of all the business-related issues. Should any lawsuit occur due to the errors in your app, you’ll be sued individually. 

In the meantime, an LLC is a formal framework that requires state filing to be formed. Once it’s registered, it exists as an independent entity separate from you. Though setting up an LLC does involve some paperwork fuss and is a bit more complex process than opening a sole proprietorship, in case of a lawsuit, it’s the LLC that will be held liable, not you. 

Sole Proprietorship Advantages for App Developers

One of the most popular enterprise forms in the US as of today, a sole proprietorship is widely favored by startuppers, freelancers, first-time businessmen, those who work from home, and owners of smaller private firms. As such, it has quite a few benefits going for it:

  • As a sole business owner, you’ll be entitled to all enterprise profits and won’t have to share them with partners;
  • There will be no need to fiddle with numerous documents, forms, and applications or observe multiple formalities to open an unregistered firm. This will save you time on filling out the paperwork and money on state fees;
  • Being an unregistered entity, it requires no annual report filing, thus, keeping yet another annoying formality at bay;
  • Thanks to pass-through taxation principles valid for disregarded entities, you’ll enjoy simplified tax filing. You won’t have to report corporate taxes. The enterprise revenue will transfer to your own tax report and will be taxed under your individual rate;
  • As a sole proprietor, you’ll be exposed to self-employment tax which will add to your overall tax burden. On the bright side, though, you’ll get access to special retirement plans and added tax deductions that will enable you to write off certain enterprise-related expenses and compensate for the self-employment tax. 

Beginner app developers often work remotely as freelancers, so a sole proprietorship offers a hassle-free and budget-friendly way to formalize their business. 

LLC Advantages for App Developers

If app development is your major business that generates thousands of dollars, at some point, you might think about opening an LLC to support it. This legal structure is the right choice to catch up with the business growth and ensure some added peace of mind for yourself. The benefits it provides are hard to argue with:

  • The biggest draw of an LLC is the liability shield it provides to its owners. Thus, whatever the dispute, lawsuit, or debt your LLC is involved in, your individual funds and property will be intact. It’s the legal entity and its assets that will be held liable;
  • An LLC structure boasts flexible taxation that gives it an edge over other business forms. Thus, by default, LLCs are treated as sole proprietorships or general partnerships and are taxed as disregarded entities. Since company revenues and losses pass onto the tax returns of its owners, it allows for avoiding dual taxation. At the same time, you can choose an S-Corp status for your LLC to eliminate a self-employment tax payment and further optimize state charges for a growing business;
  • When enrolling in the marketplace as an individual or an unregistered enterprise, your personal name will appear on your seller account. However, if you sign up as a company, your registered name will be displayed making you look more professional to customers and enhancing your business image credibility;
  • With an LLC, your capital raising opportunities are much higher. Banks and credit organizations are reluctant to provide equity financing and business loans to non-registered business entities without a clear separation between company assets and those of its owners. 

Is a Sole Proprietorship Similar to a Single-Member LLC?

At a glance, these two enterprise forms might look the same. Both are owned and managed by a single person. Both enjoy disregarded entity taxation, are entitled to hire workers, and withdraw payroll levies. However, these two structures are not the same. 

They are distinguished by liability allocation. With a disregarded entity, you are responsible for the company’s debts, sues, and any other issues. Your individual assets are not protected against enterprise liabilities and can be seized by creditors to indemnify any damages or losses. 

In the meantime, an LLC is an incorporated entity not directly associated with you. Combining the best features of a corporation and a disregarded entity, it brings great tax perks and securely protects your personal funds and property from company liabilities. 

Consult With a Business Advisor

Even though it might seem to you that everything is clear about these two enterprise forms, don’t neglect taking advice from a professional business and tax consultant who can give accurate recommendations taking into account your current situation and future business plans.

Final Thoughts

Both a sole proprietorship and an LLC work fine for app developers. If you are just an amateur and your activity brings no specific risks, an unregistered entity will suffice for your beginner’s needs. Should you engage some partner developers or observe dynamic business growth, it’s better to launch an LLC to optimize taxes and protect your assets and rights.

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What is worth knowing about working in IT? Fri, 15 Apr 2022 08:42:31 +0000 In every profession there are many unpleasant nuances that sometimes you have to deal with.

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In every profession there are many unpleasant nuances that sometimes you have to deal with. The IT sphere is no exception, and IT specialists also encounter many difficulties.

It is customary to talk about mistakes more than victories.

In the case of a quick and high quality solution of the problem you encounter, you will certainly be grateful. But not for long, before you make a mistake and commit just a minor one, which you will be reminded of for a long time. Even if the mistake was made by someone other than you.

Some employers think that employees belong to them.

It is, if I may say so, a kind of slavery, when the company management behaves as if his employees were servile slaves. Of course, because they are paid money, so they can be poked and prodded, forced to do anything they can think of right away, called up and forced to work on weekends.

You are used as a personal free consultant.

Annoying acquaintances or neighbors may call, text, and come to your home uninvited, asking for free advice on any IT-related issues.

Most of the time is spent on product support with old technology

Lovers of the latest technology can forget about using new solutions in an old project. Most of the time will be spent maintaining code based on old, already used technologies.

Passing tests and getting certificates will not improve your knowledge

No tests or certificates will increase knowledge and experience. However, it will help to find a new job, because employers are very hungry for all kinds of certificates.

Other specialists make the whole project dependence on themselves.

Badly written code which can only be understood by a specialist who wrote it automatically binds the project to that specialist and the project becomes dependent on him.

And what difficulties and troubles have you faced in your work?

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How a programmer can write an effective resume Wed, 30 Jun 2021 11:37:05 +0000 A resume is a means to advertise yourself, it is the first means you use to present yourself and try to state that you are the best choice for your potential employer.

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A resume is a means to advertise yourself, it is the first means you use to present yourself and try to state that you are the best choice for your potential employer.

On your resume, you should demonstrate your major assets, such as:

  • Qualifications
  • Experience
  • Accomplishments
  • Capabilities
  • Qualities

You should prepare your resume in a way that gives the impression at a glance that you are a perfect fit for the job you are applying for. An employer is unlikely to take 10-15 seconds to decide whether to call you for an interview after looking at your resume. If your resume is well-written, you are bound to get shortlisted as a candidate, it doesn’t matter if you have the required potential or not, but you will get a call, otherwise your resume will become part of the trash garbage can.

The first draft of your resume may not be as impressive because a resume is always an evolving document that improves over time, so keep changing and improving it after its first draft and keep various versions to yourself.

Now let’s create a simple resume step-by-step that you can use to get a job as a programmer.

Address Section
This section will be at the top of your resume with details about your name, address, phone number, and email address. Align this section on the left edge and put a bold line below the section to separate it from the rest of the document.

If you are currently employed, you can put your company name just below your name.

This section begins with the heading “Summary,” followed by a list of your overall experience, accomplishments, certifications, positive attributes, etc. It’s a lot like a movie trailer where the editor saves all the great scenes from the movie and after watching this trailer. you’re excited to watch the full movie. When documenting this section, you will need to choose attractive and heavy words.

To compose a summary section, you will have to think for a while in a calm mind, write down important points about yourself on plain paper, and check to make them more impressive and effective. If they don’t have any impact on the reader, there’s no point in including them in the summary section.

If you just graduated, you should talk about your small but impressive projects you did at university, highlight your accomplishments and project opportunities, etc.

Education Details
Since you have already talked about your experiences and accomplishments, now let’s start talking about our education. There are many organizations that prioritize your education. Therefore, it is important to talk about your academic achievements. You should put your highest degree on top and then downgrade at lower levels.

It is extremely important to provide information about your position, rank, percentage or CPI, and degree or certification, otherwise many employers will throw your resume in the trash if you don’t give a clear picture of your education.

Technical Skills
The next section of your resume will present your technical skills. This section will begin by talking about your basic skills that you are good at. So first list all of the skills that you are completely confident in, and then leave the rest of the skills at lower levels.

If you only know one skill, just talk about that skill, for example, if you have no experience with any protocol, then don’t list that line on your resume.

Project detailing.
Here goes the real story, and it’s really important to show all your projects, assignments, etc. The reader needs to understand exactly what you have done in the past. This is where you get your experience with different types of projects, people, tools, and technology. You should clearly state what was yours, organizations, project year, roles, responsibilities, value added, accomplishments, etc. for each project or position. You should also mention what tools and technology you used during that project.

If your experience is not project-based, you can simply call this heading “Experience Details” and list the entire experience either in bullet points or in simple and short 2-3 paragraphs.

You will start with the most recent project and continue to list all projects up to the oldest. If you’ve only done an academic project or thesis project, you can mention those projects along with your university projects in the same format.

Having provided complete information about all of your projects, you can now talk about your major strengths. Look at the following examples, you may not have all of your strengths, so list only what you have.

Additional Activities.
This section is optional because it is always optional that you participate in some extracurricular activities at the same time for different roles, and no extra classes are required. Sometimes this section can carry a lot of weight, especially when you have the same curriculum and your resume reader. I give you a simple example to list your academic activities.

Personal Information.
This will be the last but mandatory section of your resume, but it will provide all the important information about you.

Now you are done, and you have a great resume in your hands. To enhance the value of your resume, follow these tips:

Always give a summary of your resume at the beginning.
Keep your resume file name short, simple, and informative.
You can leave your small picture in the top right corner of your resume.
Don’t use all kinds of unnecessary formatting on your resume. Keep your resume as simple text as possible.
Don’t include too many phone numbers, email addresses, or addresses.
Don’t make your resume too big. It should be as accurate as possible.
Always describe in detail the roles and responsibilities you took on during any project.
Make sure your resume is neat and free of typos.
Never give your reason for leaving your previous job, your salary expectations, problems with your current job

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Is it worth taking courses in programming Mon, 14 Jun 2021 11:22:49 +0000 More and more people want to get into IT. And not because they like programming and have a predisposition for it, but because of the opinion that there is a lot of money in this field.

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More and more people want to get into IT. And not because they like programming and have a predisposition for it, but because of the opinion that there is a lot of money in this field.

From this we can see that there are more and more different courses on programming, teachers who assure you that in the shortest possible time you can learn to program in a popular language, such as JavaScript, PHP, Python, or use some newfangled framework, and promote employment in high-paying jobs at major companies. On the sites of various courses bring a lot of pseudo examples of successful employment and salaries of students who took the course. However, not everything is as smooth as it may seem to many people.

Pay the money and they will teach you how to program.
There is a perception that if you pay money for a programming course, you will be instantly taught to program. But you will not. If you are not interested in the course material and you don’t want to begin to learn programming, no courses for any money will help. First of all, you have to understand that the purpose of programming courses is not to teach you, but to make money from your knowledge and sell information. After all, programming courses are created for commercial purposes. This is a business.

Take a course and start making a lot of money.
Most people who now come into the IT field and take courses are looking for quick and easy money. At the same time they are willing to throw money away on dubious kinds of programming courses, hoping to learn how to program as quickly as possible and make a lot of money.

They won’t start making money. No one will pay money just to learn something there. After all, the main thing is to solve specific problems, to understand what you know and how to apply this knowledge. Nobody wants to imitate actions, they want the result.

You took a course and became a professional programmer.
No professional teacher and the best training courses are not able to teach how to program if a person doesn’t want to. After all, the main thing here – hard study and painstaking work on yourself. Moreover, for one course, or even for ten, twenty, one hundred courses it is impossible to learn everything completely and apply it in practice. Programming courses will not teach you to think with your head until you do it yourself. There is nothing in the courses that you can’t take and learn on your own. There is the same information that can be found in public sources, official documentation and books. As a result, taking the course is simply a waste of money and there is rarely anything in your memory after taking it.

Get a certificate with a diploma and get ripped off
Any paper you will be given after passing courses in programming, whether it be a diploma with a stamp or a certificate with a signature, is just an ordinary piece of paper and no more. No need to think that a lot of certificates you immediately get ripped off at any job. There is only one value – it’s your knowledge. No matter how many certificates you have in different spheres of programming, until you confirm your professionalism and knowledge in practice, no one will care about you. Courses cannot guarantee you a good job at a large company, but only give you some knowledge, which you should already have when searching for a job.

Picked a cool course for advanced
If you decide to take courses in programming, choose the level for which your knowledge is designed. You should not think that by choosing the highest, most difficult and expensive course you will immediately become a professional. If you do not have a basic knowledge of programming or a particular technology, it is better to choose a course for beginners and learn programming from the very beginning.

Passed the course, but no portfolio
If after taking a course you were not able to build up a portfolio, then you can consider that such programming courses were held in vain. After all, if it wasn’t just a theoretical course, but there was some practical work and assignments, then a portfolio is simply necessary. If you are hired without any work experience it will be an excellent indicator of your real knowledge.

It would seem that everything is okay. If under the sauce of more or less normal courses were not presented in a truly terrible course. Surely many have come across articles and advertisements on the Internet with screaming headlines:

“Programming courses in 7 days.”
“JavaScript courses in 21 days.”
“Learn PHP in a month.”
“Become a Java programmer in 3 days.”

And similar nonsense headlines. At the same time, you can meet the supposedly successful stories of passing courses in programming some unknown, or rather, not existing person, in the style.

The essence of such courses – to steal money from you. The knowledge of these courses is always superficial and not at all educational, they teach programming languages or tools, but not the programming itself. For example, the course on ReactJS will not teach you to program in JavaScript itself. Moving away from ReactJS will make it difficult for you to work with another library because you don’t know JavaScript. Lest you think you’re too dumb to program, courses are made easy. As a result you are again not paying money, for a different course, which again does not teach you anything. After you finish the course you are given some beautiful piece of paper – a certificate or diploma, which in the end nobody needs except you. Many people start looking for a job with big salaries after the course, but it turns out that after passing the course knowledge has not increased and you can not apply for the position. Thus, the courses – it is a well-established conveyor belt to suck money.

Programmers are perpetual students, who must constantly learn and practice throughout their work. The IT field is constantly evolving, but the fundamentals are still the same as they were ten years ago. Don’t take into account the many different tools that appear almost every year, or even every month. Therefore, before you go to a programming course with exorbitant cost, think about whether you need it.

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What can ruin an IT career Wed, 05 May 2021 11:11:56 +0000 There are so many areas for IT professionals to work in. In many of them it is possible to move up the career ladder.

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There are so many areas for IT professionals to work in. In many of them it is possible to move up the career ladder. The main thing is to work hard and develop professionally. However, even a couple of mistakes can ruin an IT professional’s career.

No training. To successfully advance on the professional and career ladder, you need to constantly learn and develop, maintain and develop technical skills, gain new experience. If an IT specialist does not do any of the above, his professionalism continues to remain at the same level, or begins to decline at all.

No plans for the future. Every IT-specialist must have a goal to strive for. You cannot live only for today and hope for tomorrow. At any moment the situation can change and you will become a nobody. Plan your development, plan and allocate your finances, plan new projects. Plan. And, of course, following the plan, achieve the goals set in it.

No communication and networking. In addition to technical skills and experience gain skills and experience communicating with other IT-specialists and executives. New contacts and connections will allow you to gain credibility and recognition from the IT field. In cases of problems with your current job, you’ll have plenty of people who know you and invite you into profitable new projects.

Rejection of company offers. As a good professional who does his or her job well, you will be trusted and offered a raise and work on another company project. You shouldn’t turn down such offers, even if you’re used to your position or are afraid you won’t be able to handle the new assignment. After all, this is a great opportunity to climb higher in your career. There may not be a second chance. Either way, you have to try.

Too narrow a specialization. Being a specialist in a particular area is, of course, very good. But if you lose your demand, it will be difficult for you to move to another field. Therefore, you need to be a generalist, able to deal with any programming language, tool, technology. That is not to be “WordPress programmer” or “Javascript programmer.

However, you need to have a high level of knowledge and extensive experience. Then you definitely will not find yourself without a job.

And what, in your opinion, are the mistakes that can ruin the career of an IT-specialist?

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